News For Immediate Release For more information write to: Info@SmartSoft.COM or 2220 East Linnwood Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53211-3321 Or call SmartSoft at 800/424-8864 (in the US) or 414/964-8864 from anywhere Fax requests can be sent to 414/964-8879 (new number) SmartSoft Announces The Release SmartSoft's PhoneDialerObjects MILWAUKEE, WI, March 1, 1994 - SmartSoft has announced the availability of version 1.0 of SmartSoft's PhoneDialerObjects. "SmartSoft's PhoneDialerObjects allow any developer to easily integrate telephone number dialing intelligence into any application they develop. The objects perform an intelligent analysis of a number (to determine if the telephone number is a local call, a long distance or an international call) and properly dial it from anywhere around the world using a modem or by playing DTMF sounds through the computer's speaker. The kit automatically handles all device locks and serial communications with the modem", said Alberto Ricart, CEO of SmartSoft, Inc. "These objects grew in response to the many requests that we had by other developers for the phone dialing functionality found in our personal information manager StayInTouch", Ricart added. SmartSoft's PhoneDialerObjects, is the first set of SmartObjects published by SmartSoft, Inc. The objects are sold in library form, and include sample source code to an application that uses the kit. Online documentation is also included. SmartSoft performs systems engineering, mission critical development, and object oriented consulting services in addition to development of its shrink wrap product line, currently including: StayInTouch, DiskMaker, Collagist, NIST Synchronicity, Rocks!, DotFiles, and PhoneDialerObjects. SmartSoft, SmartObjects, StayInTouch, DiskMaker, Collagist, NIST Synchronicity, Rocks!, DotFiles, and PhoneDialerObjects are trademarks of SmartSoft, Inc. (c) 1993, 1994 SmartSoft, Inc.